Orchard Head Junior, Infant & Nursery School has been rated as 'Good' following an inspection on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th November 2019.
We are delighted with the inspection outcome and are pleased that the Ofsted inspectors acknowledged the impact of our work within school.

Quotes from the Report
- Family and community are at the heart of this school.
- Pupils are happy and enjoy school. They are well behaved and engaged in lessons.
- Staff have high expectations for pupils.
- Pupils say there is always someone to talk to if they have any worries or concerns. Staff quickly sort out any problems.
- The Headteacher leads the school very well.
- The multi-academy trust has transformed governance.
- Reading is at the heart of the school's new curriculum.
- The trust's 'literary canon' of books makes links to subjects.
- Leaders and staff want all pupils to achieve well in all subjects.
- Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get all the support they need.
- Younger children get off to a great start in early years. They learn to listen, take turns and work well together.
- There is a strong culture of safeguarding. Pupils' welfare has the highest priority.
We will continue to strive to be even better every day in every way, but the Ofsted performance is a wonderful endorsement of the progress that we have made.