Rewards & Recognition

Our values are at the heart of all our rewards and recognition. We believe in celebrating and rewarding the achievements and successes of the individuals within our school as well as the school community as a whole.  We strive to ‘Value, Respect and Appreciate Everyone’ and encourage our young people to aim high and believe that no goal is out of reach. Our weekly celebration assembly is an important way for us to celebrate excellence and spotlight pupils who have shown effort.

Bronze, Silver and Gold stars

Pupils are awarded Dojo points by any adult in school which are tracked and shared through an online system. Dojo points are awarded for displaying any of the Orchard Head values and a positive attitude to their learning and others. Some of the main reasons Dojo points are given to pupils are for:

  • Good manners
  • Completing homework
  • Honesty
  • Kindness
  • The weekly certificate focus
  • A positive attitude towards learning
  • Resilience
  • Trying their best
  • Wearing the correct uniform
  • Teamwork

Certificates and pin-badge stars will be awarded when pupils meet the following milestones throughout the year:

  • Bronze Certificate – 50 Dojo points
  • Bronze Star – 100 Dojo points
  • Silver Certificate – 150 Dojo points
  • Silver Star – 200 Dojo points
  • Gold Certificate – 250 Dojo points
  • Gold Star – 300 Dojo points

Merit Certificates

A merit certificate is awarded to 1 pupil in each class every week. The teacher / adults in the class are responsible for selecting recipients based around a school focus for the week (e.g. resilience, presentation etc.). Children are presented with a certificate during our celebration assembly and then have juice and biscuits with a senior leader.

Standards Reward

Every week, each class tracks attendance, school uniform and PE uniform. The class with the highest score, on a Friday, all receive a special treat for their efforts.

EYFS celebrations of achievement

Every Friday in Reception we hold a celebration assembly. We celebrate every child’s success over the week. Throughout the week children complete ‘cookie challenges’, if the children complete all of their challenges by Friday their cookie is placed into the sparkly box. At the end of each half term one child’s cookie is drawn from the box and they will be awarded a prize.

Further to this, 3 children from each class are awarded either the marvellous me box, story leaf or Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore toy and diary. These are awarded to children who have gone above and beyond in any aspect of learning that week. The marvellous me box encourages children to share all their ‘wow’ moments as well as hobbies and interest with their peers. The story leaf encourages children to bring in and share their favourite story, promoting a love of learning. Children also really enjoy writing a diary for Winnie the Pooh or Eeyore who they take home for the weekend promoting communication and language skills.

In addition, Reception award reading certificates for those children who have read books to the following milestones: 10 books, 25 books, 50 books, 75 books, 100 books and 200 books.

Reception and Nursery also use Dojo points in line with the rest of the school and have visual aids in both settings to represent this. Each child in Reception is given an alien who hops from planet to planet and Nursery have a caterpillar to climb.

Attendance Rewards

We know how important attendance is to ensuring pupils are able to maximise the opportunities to fulfil their potential. Every morning, pupils are given a raffle ticket to enter into the weekly attendance draw for their chance to win a gold coin. This gold coin is a token for our book vending machine, where children are able to select a book of their choice as a reward. These daily raffle tickets are retained and at the end of a half term, there is a ‘grand draw’ where one pupil is selected to receive a £10 gift voucher. Every half term, we also reward a family with the ‘family attendance prize’ – a £20 gift voucher. This is rewarded for the most improved attendance.

At the end of the year, the pupils who have 99%+ attendance also receive a special reward of a 99 ice cream in our ’99 club.’ We do take specific circumstances into consideration when including children in the ’99 club.’

Twitter – Showcasing Excellence

Throughout the year, we recognise pupil achievements through our school Twitter account. These include pieces of exemplary work, winners of sporting tournaments, performance in a school production, receiving a headteacher certificate, fundraising events, the list goes on! Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, @orchard_head to keep up to date with all our activities and to help us celebrate the successes of our wonderful school community.

Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

The annual Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly is a special event in the school calendar and provides an opportunity to celebrate our Year 6 pupils before they head off to High School. Pupils’ families are invited to the school to attend a special assembly which celebrates their achievements.  Each child receives a specific certificate linked to their growth and achievements.