Safeguarding & Child protection

We take our responsibilities to protect our children from all forms of abuse very seriously. Orchard Head has a specialist safeguarding team in place who our pupils know that they can talk to if anything is worrying them. If you would like to speak to a member of the team, please call the School Office to make an appointment.

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs S Humphreys - Assistant Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr R Grogan - Headteacher, Mrs S Oxley - Assistant Headteacher, Mrs D Higginson - Learning Mentor, Mrs K Stevenson - Office Manager and Miss E Starkey - Teacher
Nominated Safeguarding and Vulnerable Children SPRB Member: Mr S Khan

We have several detailed policies to keep our children safe and we also recommend some other organisations who may be able to help with any concerns – the links are below:

Continuum of Need

The Continuum of Need is a collaborative approach to Safeguarding support that drives our shared ambition of the right help, at the right time from the right service and, importantly, from the right person, whilst always acting in the best interests of the child.

It has been developed to help those who work or volunteer with children and families across the Wakefield District with making decisions about how to best provide support.

This approach is aligned to the district’s Wakefield Families Together model, where a child and their family receive the right help, at the right time, from the right service, and importantly, from the right person, whilst always acting in the best interests of a child.


We have several detailed policies to keep our children safe, and we also recommend some other organisations who may be able to help with any concerns. Visit our policies page here.

Useful Links